The True Political Divide

It is important to begin with the fact that all political discourse in Western civilization can be divided into two distinct camps; individualism and collectivism.  Regardless of what political label you identify yourself with and or what labels you apply to others, the basic political ideologies can always be divided down to individualism versus collectivism. ... Continue Reading →

You are no longer The Media

An open letter to the former media. I know this has been a very trying time for you lately.   Your pundits and pollsters failed you.  Your preferred political party failed you.  Your panels of similarly minded media and movie star personalities failed you.  The candidate you hated and actively campaigned against won and now treats... Continue Reading →

Individual Gun Rights for the Greater Good

What is the greater good? The source is from the philosophy of Utilitarianism developed by Jeremy Bentham and later expounded upon by John Stuart Mill.   Bentham’s approach was one of “act” utilitarianism where one avoided pain and sought pleasure, thus what was useful was that which could provide the greatest good for the greatest number.  ... Continue Reading →

Narcissistic Nannies

Narcissistic Nannies - the Moral Narcissism of Collectivists Does what you claim to believe define you as an individual and makes you smarter, rather than what you do or the result of your actions?   Do the values you promote, regardless of their actual truth or reality, signal that you are a virtuous person?  Do you... Continue Reading →

The Myth of Society

The Myth of Society Ok, we’re going to wade into some muddy waters now. Let’s begin with this statement.  The concept of society is a myth.    It is smoke and mirrors.  An abstract. Creating abstracts is merely a method humans use to group and categorize individual things to simplify our view of the world.  For... Continue Reading →

The Right to Govern

What does it mean to have a government described by Webster and Lincoln as having been derived “of the people, by the people and for the people?”  Explicitly it means that the power to govern the people is and should be derived from the consent of the governed as our founders stated in the Declaration... Continue Reading →

Trump Should Ignore the Media

The mainstream media must now earn the trust of the American people or face extinction as a source of news in this country.  Donald Trump owes his astonishing victory to his brilliant plan to take his message directly to the American people via social media and mass rallies.  Recognizing early on that he could not... Continue Reading →

Consider the Source

It has been interesting watching the progressives and party establishment types along with their academic and media acolytes striving to come up with a plausible answer as to why they lost the past election cycle.   I am not just referring to the election of Donald Trump, but also to the complete evisceration of the left’s... Continue Reading →

Quid Est Veritas?

Ever since Pilate asked that question of Jesus, secular scholars and petit academicians have struggled to formulate an answer.  Jerome, pondering that question in the Latin version of the Scriptures stumbled upon the only answer.  By simply rearranging the letters, and neither adding nor subtracting from them, he discovered that “the answer to the question... Continue Reading →

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